有机认证 by AsureQuality, New Zealand's Government-owned food assurance company.

OOB Organic Fresh Blueberries
Organic Certification Number: 151


  • Certified organic
  • Sustainably grown
  • Supporting biodiversity
  • Fully traceable supply chain

OOB Organic have been certified organic since 2009 and are audited annually against the AsureQuality Organic Standard.

Products certified organic by AsureQuality carry the AQ organic certification mark and unique customer number, providing traceability and confidence that the product has been produced according to organic principles across the entire supply chain.

OOB's fresh organic blueberries are grown with a commitment to using sustainable practices throughout the orchard.

Promoting natural pest control and optimising the biological activity in the soil avoids depletion and allows continuous use of the land.

Products certified organic under the AsureQuality Organic Standard, are produced from an organic production system that supports sustainable growing practices.

OOB utilize the natural resources on the orchard to support a habitat beneficial for wildlife and maintain a balanced ecosystem on the orchard.

Organic certification with AsureQuality provides assurance that certified products are produced in a managed system that promotes and enhances biodiversity. 

OOB Organic operate under an independently audited Organic Management System, demonstrating verified transparency and providing confidence to consumers about their organic produce.

The AsureQuality Organic Certification Mark is a clear indication that the product meets the traceability requirements of the AQ Organic Standard at every stage throughout the supply chain.

来自OOB Organic的消息

We believe eating organic is better for you and better for the planet.

If there was ever a prompt for a lifestyle change, it is starting a family, and Shannon and Robert had at least three good reasons to do so! In 2001, Robert and Shannon Auton, and their toddler triplets Sarah, Jack and William relocated to an orchard in Omaha, New Zealand to grow organic blueberries.

Fundamentally, their core belief is that there is a place for quality, certified organic products in a competitive food market, where taste and health are important to their consumers.

Fresh organic blueberries are grown on OOB's own established orchard located in Omaha. Partnering with global organic farmers who share their philosophy, values and commitment to organics ensures like-minded organic lovers can experience the taste of summer all year round.

Fresh blueberries